Hear stories, stuff ups and golden nuggets of advice that actually help.

When we were in the thick of product creation, we craved content that would aid our journey and answer the questions we needed answering ASAP. Things like where to find a decent manufacturer and how to figure out the development of our product. We hunted for this by listening to every podcast, watching every video and attending every course we could to find content on product creation specifically for aspiring product founders and, to be honest, it was all a bit… fluffy.

So we decided to make our own straight up equivalent that tells the hard truths, shares the hilarious behind-the-scenes stuff ups and offers up practical, actionable advice that will have you steam-rolling your way to product creation heaven.

Episodes drop every fortnight, so hit follow on your fave platform if you want to keep up with the creatives.

podcast feed

Catch up on the latest episodes we’ve released into the wild right here. Click on the tile, and follow the buttons.


Episode 01

We’re talkin’ product development terminology.

Episode 04

Overseas Vs. Local Manufacturers - What’s the Difference?

Episode 02

How do you first find a manufacturer? All this and more.

Episode 05

How to find a manufacturer - the MUST listen to episode!

Episode 03

COMING SOON / Going from an idea to bulk production.

Episode 06

COMING SOON / Crafting products locally & sustainably



episode 02: From 10 scarves to 10 years in business

In a deep dive episode, the founder of Squeak Design talks through her journey from her very first production run. Pippa maps out her first manufacturer moves, some BIG failures, product flops and trade show wins, so you can learn from her experiences and hear just how the heck she’s sustained a profitable and thriving lifestyle product brand,

50 minutes long. AKA an intense power hour length or time to burn a roast in the oven.



And, of course, if you’d like to be an A+ kinda pal, then leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts. It really helps other aspiring product founders find us, and build up the rather marvellous community we have brewing here.